I've accepted:
1) I talk a lot. It doesn't matter what the situation is, I will talk any one's ear off if given the chance. It's not because I'm nervous or anything, I just enjoy talking, especially if the topic is something I'm interested in. I like that I have an opinion about everything and have no issues making it known to the world.
2) When I'm interested in something, I will learn everything I can about the subject. It does not matter what the interest is, I will pick up everything about it. I just can't help myself. In high school, my mom and I went to Tombstone and for six months I read everything I could about the wild west that I could get my hands on. I won't go into my Olympic swimming and Mighty Ducks phases (in which I wanted to be an Olympic swimmer and/or hockey player. It kind of got ridiculous at times). It sometimes comes in handy because I'm always full of
3) I have to look decent before leaving the house. It's something I'm sure I get from my
4) I'm not a perfect mother. I'm not like some of my other friends with kids and I don't have all my sh*t together like they do. And I've come to the realization I never will. At least not like they do. I'm okay with that. I try to be the best mom I can and let her know I love her and I'm always there for her. I think it's awesome that they DO have all their ducks in a row and I'd never begrudge them them that, I'm just not person.
5) I'm very opinionated about a lot of things. And by a lot of things, I'm talking pretty much anything.I can't help myself and I'm vocal about my opinion. There was a song my mom used to listen to called "Don't Get Me Started" and she said that song was written about me. And I've learned that if I try to stay silent, I end up with a migraine. So.
6) I'm a total geek. I worked at a comic book store in high school and I worked there because I've loved comics since I was 11 (I can't say I have any idea what's going on in the Marvel universe. I don't and I don't have time and the extra money that goes into comics like I used to). Stars Wars was the first movie series I ever fell in love with and I wear my Darth Vader tee proudly. I love new tech and new software. If I could get the latest and greatest (insert tech product here) I would be one happy girll.
7) I am a total sap. Seriously, you can't take me to a movie that has any person die or appear to die without me tearing up. And even if no one dies, but it's happy ending that's sweet, I will cry (like "Tangled"). Those damn commercials with the sad looking dogs and cats? I have to change the channel. Seriously. I will cry but pretend its allergies or there's something in my eye. But I get teary-eyed all the time (It was ten times worse when I was preggers). I think it's to make up for the tough exterior I show everyone. Maybe I just have funky tear ducts.
8) I suck at making jokes, and the jokes I make are laced with sarcasm. My jokes aren't very funny unless you understand my sense of humor and you probably won't understand my sense of humor unless you know me pretty well. I love to laugh. I've never really been around people that don't have at least some semblance of humor. They don't have to be stand-up comedians, but jokes and smiles are a must. My BFF is awesomeness in the humor department. And she completely gets my humor that everyone says is very dry.
9) I'm independent. And stubborn. Like I won't ask for help because I don't like owing people. I'm kind of like Katniss that way. Yes, I know people, especially friends, do things out of the kindness of their heart and expect nothing in return. I'm just so used to doing things on my own and not depending on anyone else, I just don't expect the help. It's a pride thing and I try not to be that person as much as I used to. It's just a very hard habit to just drop.
10) I come off as a bitch. I've been told by more than one person in my life that when they first met me, they thought I was a bitch. Little did they know I was shy. I'm very shy and sometimes if I had my way, I'd never meet a new person again in my life. Because I'm super shy. As an adult, I force myself out of my little comfort zone so I can skip over that shy and awkward first introduction. Those are always the worst. It's like the first day of school when no one knows anyone else.
11) I'm an Oreo. Seriously. I'm the whitest girl you'll ever meet, but I have the nicest tan in the world. Many people have said they thought I was some blond girl when they talked to me on the phone. When I was younger it would bother me a lot. I felt like I had to prove that I'm both or something. It was pretty stupid and now I just don't care. I've come to accept that it's just the way I am. Besides, I am white. And black. If people don't like it they can suck it.
12) I have the strangest taste in guys. The BFF has just given up on me liking normal guys. And she doesn't seem surprised because she remembers my huge ass crush on Kevin Spacey during my junior year of high school. I could assert it was his acting skills that attracted me, but I'd be lying. I thought he was hot when I was 16 and his was 38. Half the time my taste in guys doesn't make a lick of sense. And I usually end up like the guy I couldn't stand at first. It's like my brain thinks my life should be a stupid romance novel.
13) I have no shame at times. I guarantee if you were driving down the road and pulled up next to me at a stoplight, you'd look over & see me with the windows rolled down and singing loudly. And dancing. Being in a store or at school working on a computer doesn't stop me in the slightest. When people stop and stare, I wave and say "hi". If B's with me, she just smiles and waves. We really don't care.
14) I am a great procrastinator. I'm so good at it, I could write a book about it. Maybe later, though, after I avoid everything else I need to do. Like school work. Or finishing writing the other thirty billions books I want to write that I stopped in the middle of. And avoid everything by perusing Tumblr. Or catching up on all the shows I've DVR'd that I still haven't watched.
15) I am a huge worrier. I worry about everything. I worry about things I have absolutely no control over. I'm not sure where it comes from exactly. I've never been one of those people who won't think more than a day into the future. I'm already thinking and worrying about the kid going to college and it's still 8 years away. I worry ALL the time (not that I don't have fun, I just have that crazy brain that refuses to turn off the worrying portion).
16) California is home. For now, anyway, until I get bored and completely itchy and the kid's graduated high school and then I can move someplace else. But seriously, Cali's more home to me than any once place has been in awhile.
Yup, all things I've learned about myself, I am perfectly okay with and don't really care if people like or don't like it. It's just taken thirty years to realize it. :)