Sunday, December 28, 2008
Trying Not To Do Work
Monday, October 20, 2008
I've Done It Again . . .
Excuse 1: Work. The job I hate and wish I could quit is pretty much sucking the life out of me. It's also taken up most of my time. I need to win the lotto. And very soon I might add. Anything to get away from this thing I call a job.
Excuse 2: House. Sad, but true, I'm still unpacking. If it wasn't for reason #1, I'd have more time to get my house and life more organized.
Excuse 3: B. My bright, sunny and bubbly 6-year-old takes up even more time. Between homework, tap dance and cooking, she's my biggest job.
Excuse 4: Sleep. Unfortunately, I actually need this to survive. I mostly wish I didn't need it. Then I could get a whole lot more done in my life.
And excuse 5: Those darn Volkswagen commercials are addicting!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
In Mourning . . .
*Sigh* This is my most favorite picture of him in the world. Gisele's one lucky chickadee.
I guess the upside is football isn't going anywhere anytime soon. That's a weekly beer guarantee, right? It just won't be the same though. And, I forgot to mention, I won Fantasy Football this week and I got the highest score. Yay, FFL!!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Official Slacker
This is my sad little dining room as of last week. It looks a little sad, doesn't it?
I was also a bridesmaid in one of my best friend's wedding up in Chicago this past weekend. My feet still hurt, but all in all, it was a pretty good day. I had fun. So did my break dancing six-year-old. Yes, break dancing, along with the "snake". In a dress. In the middle of the dance floor.
Speaking of six-year-olds, I also have to prepare for the start of the school year. Yeah. Did I ever mention how much I love back to school shopping? Yup, it's loads of fun. It's my favorite time of year.
Also, up until yesterday, I've been pretty much Internet-less. So no online surfing for me. Which is good, because there's no way to get distracted from unpacking when there are no distractions. But I still have TV and cable. Did I mention I love cable? I've been finding all these shows I've missed out on because I've been overseas. And I also have DVR. OMG. I LOVE DVR!! Now I don't ever have to miss my favorite shows when I'm at work. Besides Ghost Hunters, I found another new show. It's called "Ace of Cakes". It's a reality show about a bakery, Charm City Cakes, and the daily grind of what I really want to be doing with my life. Anyone who knows me well, knows I love baking. I just never get to spend the time I want on it. Well, I probably could, but then I'd never sleep, and I already have issues with sleeping, and I'd rather not add to that and become an insomniac.Yeah, I want to open my own bakery.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Time is not on my side
But I did have fun this weekend. I haven't been home for the 4th of July in years, so I got to see the fireworks on the Lake and it was pretty awesome to hang out with my best friend and eat a lot of food. That's what the Taste of Chicago is, a crowded, wonderful resturant, with crazy, drunk people stumbling around, trying not to spill their beer. It's funny, the last time I went to the Taste was I was underage. Now I get to wear this really cool bracelet to let the beer stands know I'm allowed to drink. How times have changed. Yummy, yummy chocolate covered strawberries. Not yummy, nummy. 10 times better than yummy.
I'm taking another road trip back there this weekend, though. My other best friend (I have 5 total, by the way) is getting married next month and I'm one of the bridesmaids. Her bridal shower's on Sunday, so I'm thinking I shouldn't miss it. Which reminds me, I need to buy her a shower gift. It's a good thing I have a new day planner, or I might be very lost right now.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Cable TV Is Addictive
Friday, March 28, 2008
Nigella Lawson is a food goddess

You should go out and buy it. Did I mention there's this delicious Chocolate Fudge Cake recipe?