Then I deployed to a little country I call Qatar. My friend Desi was really into the show, so with only so many episodes of OZ to catch up on at the time, I gave it try.
Was I impressed? To say I wasn't would be a lie. As much TV as I love to watch, it takes a really strong show to hook me in and keep me intersted in more than one season.
One of the biggest pulls for me was that I could (for the most part) completely relate to both Lorelai and Rory. When is started watching it, I was in an in-between stage. I was young enough to appreciate Rory's coming of age, but was on board with her mom the whole ride.
Lorelai is how I picture myself when I'm her age. I was pretty much a baby when my mini-me was born, I wasn't even old enough to drink (a little bit older than Ms. Gilmore). I know, and still do, how hard it is to do it all and more, and still manage to be sane at the end of the day. It's a hard job. And even though I know she is completely made up (that of course makes her Superwoman), I still think she's a great role model for women. Especially moms. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would disagree, but hey, that's their opinion.
But I digress. The show made me want to pack up and move to a small town and raise my kiddo there. It taught me that you don't have to be this picture perfect mom to prove that you love your kids and want the best for them. It's one of those shows that tells you it's okay to be different.
The mom-daughter relationship is something I can see with me and my own little girl. I can see it now, and it's something I can see in the next decade. They piggy-backed off each other and had their own little corner of the universe no one else truly understood or could drive a wedge through. They went through so much (and, yes, I know it's pure fiction) and even in the end they always had each other's backs. Its a relationship I can see with my daughter and its the kind of relationship I've always had with my own mom. She's my best friend.
Ahhh, sadly, there are no new episodes to laugh and cry with since the show's been over for almost 3 years. Thank goodness for DVD's. Me and Brynnbug will be able to watch it in a few years.
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