I had to suffer through it and for my patience; I was rewarded by going with her to see Inception. Granted it didn't take a guilt trip or even much prodding on my part (just the mention of Leonardo DiCaprio, yummy, by the way) for her to want to go.
Who could say no to watching this man in a movie?
I knew I was going to like it. But . . . . . .
Can I just say this was the best movie I’ve seen all year? Because it really, really was. The graphics were hot, it involved dreams and it was a heist type movie! I love heist movies, there’s always something else going on to make you think. Dreams are a big part of the movie, and anything can happen in a dream. The whole aspect of dreams is intriguing and not everyone can pull it off. So with that I can say . . . .
Christopher Nolan’s a genius, and I’m really surprised he doesn’t have more movies under his belt.
I won’t post any spoilers, because I don’t want to ruin it for others, but seriously, this movie’s freaking awesome! Everyone should see it. And not everyone will like it, because it’s one of those endings that leave it up to your own interpretation.
I would just like to know more about the secondary characters. We know plenty about Leo’s Cobb (he is the main character, after all), but we learn absolutely nothing about everyone else. I want to know what their deal is. How did they get into the life? Why are they still doing it? What makes them all tick?
Leonardo still looks good after all these years; it’s so strange to remember he was Luke on Growing Pains. And can I also mention how hot Joseph Gordon-Levitt got? He's always been kind of cute (i.e. 10 Things I Hate About You), but not really my cup of tea. But seriously, he's way hot in Inception.
Did he grow up and suddenly get really hot?
Or is it just the slicked back hair, suits, and ties he wore throughout the movie? (what can I say? I have a thing for suits and ties) Haven't pegged it down yet, but he definitely added to the enjoyment of the film. Well, at least for me anyways. I might actually see it again.
So, in reality, there really isn't any contest between Inception and Twilight. There is no contest between the two of them for me. I just thought it'd be an interesting title.
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