Friday, December 31, 2010
New Year, New Stuff
It’s time to ring in 2011, and I’m looking forward to it. Most people do, just because it’s a new year and it means a new, fresh start. I always like the beginning of the year much better than the end, but I’m just weird like that.
2011 is going to be completely different, though. January 1st marks the beginning of the end of my long military career. By August 1st, I'll no longer be in the Air Force. It's been a long industrious time, but it's time for a change. I thought I would be in for the long haul, but circumstances and issues have made it pretty much necessary for me to depart. I don't regret it, but it's time.
I’m pretty excited, it’s the start of another adventure, one that’s completely different than any I’ve been on in many years.
I've also decided that 2011 is the year I'm not doing the whole resolution thing. It never ends well anyways because I seem to forget all about them within a week. I think I'm allergic to things called resolutions. Now goals? I can deal with that. Here are a few of them
- finish up my work in progress, because it's high time to do it
- get started on the book that's been running around in my head
- get caught up on my shows because I'm so far behind it's ridiculous
- blog at least twice a week and write an hour every day
- READ. I've even signed up for a few reading challenges to motivate myself.
2010 was kind of a crappy year for me, but I'm hoping 2011 will have a brighter outlook. Happy New Year!!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Terminator
But back to the task at hand. I loved the story, not because of the sci-fi aspect. It was Kyle Reese. Not only did he pop in from the future, but he was also a kick ass and take names soldier who came back to protect a woman named Sarah Connor, whom he'd only heard about through stories from her son, who also happens to be his best friend, John.
Kyle's also that best friend who falls in loves with John's mom. Normally, that would freak most people out. Not John, though. John wants him to fall head over heels because how else will he end up being born if his dad doesn't meet his mom?
And poor Kyle. He's the only one who never knew he was the father of the world's savior. I digress again.
So. I'm a sucker for a guy who would go back time to save you because that happens to me all the time. Really, it does
Seriously though, I know the whole romantic story line isn't right on the surface, but I'm a such a romantic at heart. Everytime I watch it I'm always hoping the ending will magically change and everyone ends up happy. But we all know the ending was etched in stone so I just stop watching if after the big truck scene and pretend nothing happens after that.
Also, I realize there is no possible way for Kyle to be his father if time travel did exist, but a) it's a movie, so anything can happen and b) I like believing in fate. So there.
All in all, I'm a huge fan of the Terminator series (except for Rise of the Machines which I pretend never happened), to include the short lived Sarah Connor Chronicles. The first one is just my absolute favorite.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Losers
It's not the best movie in the world, and it's slightly corny, but I love it all the same. Yes, it could have been better, but it's still pretty good. And I'm not just saying that because I have slight crush on Chris Evans. Because I do, but I also appreciate his comedic timing. And he wears bright pink T-shirts well. The goatee and glasses (sooo hottt) are a nice added bonus.
But I digress. The storyline was decent and pretty entertaining. It was intriguing enough (though a little far-fetched, but who's complaining?) to keep me interested, which is saying a lot. It has the whole A-Team feel to it, but it with hotter guys and better weapons. And Chris Evans, who makes me laugh and drool at the same time. 'Nuff said.
Go Petunias!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sherlock Holmes
Like zombie movies, I'm a sucker for mysteries because I love figuring things out. Puzzles are a favorite of mine.
I will say this, though, I've never been a big Sherlock Holmes fan. Translation: I never could get into the books and I hated the hat he wore in the movies.
But I do like Robert Downey, Jr. and Jude Law's one of my favorite actors, so the two of them teaming up? Absolutely brilliant.
It's full of mystery and, of course, friendship. (I sense a familiar theme among my favorites) The old school and supernatural feel had me from the first moments. But I do love a good old fashioned who-done-it/what's-going-to-happen.
Well, maybe it wasn't quite so much of a who-done-it, because you knew who was behind it all, but you don't know how he did it. It all equaled awesomeness. I've lost track of how many times I've watched, I liked it so much.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Hot Fuzz
You know, pretty much all the great essentials.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Shaun of the Dead
Zombie movies are the best kind of scary movies. They're so much better than the hack and slash Jason and Michael Myers' movies (even though I like those ones, too, I just have to be in the right mood). It's not the same with zombie movies, I can watch them anytime, any place.
Shaun of the Dead is the best zombie movie. Period. I have a few zombie movies I like to repeat, but this the top of that list. If I didn't like Shaun and pub-loving ways, I'd still like it strictly for the zombies. I just love how the world is being over run by zombies, and all he can think about is going to the Winchester.
But this isn't a story just about zombies, it's also about friendship and how much you're willing to risk for the person you love. Seriously, watch and laugh.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Usual Suspects
This is also the first movie I ever saw with Kevin Spacey and it's the movie where I developed a full blown crush on the man (Yes, I wanted to be Mrs. Kevin Spacey when I was in high school and it didn't matter that he was over 20 years my senior). But I digress, this movie had it all: story, suspense, character and twist ending.
It's one of those movies that should be on everyone's must see list.
The Princess Bride
Possibly my absolute favorite movie of all time. When I think about favorite movies, it's the first one that comes to mind every time.
I've been in love with this movie since I first saw it on TV when I was 6. This movie is what started my love of movies. Princess Buttercup wasn't quite the princess I wanted to be (she seemed a little bit too dependent on a man to come save her), but I was jealous she got to marry Westley. How could I not be? He told her he loved her practically every time he saw her (she just didn't get it).