Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year, New Stuff

The house is clean and quiet. I'm ready.

It’s time to ring in 2011, and I’m looking forward to it. Most people do, just because it’s a new year and it means a new, fresh start. I always like the beginning of the year much better than the end, but I’m just weird like that.

2011 is going to be completely different, though. January 1st marks the beginning of the end of my long military career. By August 1st, I'll no longer be in the Air Force. It's been a long industrious time, but it's time for a change. I thought I would be in for the long haul, but circumstances and issues have made it pretty much necessary for me to depart. I don't regret it, but it's time.

I’m pretty excited, it’s the start of another adventure, one that’s completely different than any I’ve been on in many years.

I've also decided that 2011 is the year I'm not doing the whole resolution thing. It never ends well anyways because I seem to forget all about them within a week. I think I'm allergic to things called resolutions. Now goals? I can deal with that. Here are a few of them

- finish up my work in progress, because it's high time to do it

- get started on the book that's been running around in my head

- get caught up on my shows because I'm so far behind it's ridiculous

- blog at least twice a week and write an hour every day

- READ. I've even signed up for a few reading challenges to motivate myself.

2010 was kind of a crappy year for me, but I'm hoping 2011 will have a brighter outlook. Happy New Year!!

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