Thursday, April 28, 2011

Royal Weddings

I've spent a lot of time bitching about it the last couple of weeks because that seems to be the only thing the news and media outlets can talk about. Because there's nothing else going on in the world. A huge tornado hitting the south, anyone? Of course. That's less important than the "wedding of the century". What was I thinking?

Moving on. I don't begrudge anyone their happy day. Even if it's going to be publicized on every news channel because no one has gotten married before this. Ever.

It's funny, though. When Will's parents got married, I was still in my momma's belly, but I would have watched it if I'd been old enough because I wanted to be a princess and watching a royal wedding was the closest I'd have been able to get.

And of course I was one of those many girls who dreamed that someday she'd be standing next to William in a pretty white dress. I had the biggest crush on him back in the '90's.

I've since outgrown the crush (his younger brother's pretty hot)

See? He turned into quite the hottie

And I really am happy he found his princess. She's seems like a sweetheart and has that easy-going charm that Princess Diana had. They seem pretty good together and like they bring out the best in each other. Overall, they seem geniunely happy and in love.

They really are a striking pair. And I want that ring.

So yes, as much as I groaned about what a pain in the ass it seems to be, I will be watching the wedding because the little princess in me insists on it. And I want to see her wedding dress. Plus, Harry's the best man. He'll be in his uniform (insert cat mrwrow here).

I will not, however, get up at the crack of dawn to watch it live. I will already be up because I'll be working a night shift. And we all know there won't be anything else on TV tomorrow at 5AM.

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