2. Birds are horrible traveling companions. All they do is squawk and complain. They also like to fight with nine-year-olds over who can be louder. No one wins that fight.
3. Out of the billion truck weight stations from Ohio to California (they're mandatory for huge trucks, by the way), only two are actually open.
4. B and I are very cranky when we're hungry. And when we're sweaty and hot. We are too much alike to be stuck in uncomfortable situations like this.
5. July is the worst time of year to move. Period. It's hot and brings out the worst in people.
6. Certain cities with crazy drivers expect you to drive just like them, even if you have a car hitched to a truck and out of state license plates. And they will let you know how un-crazy you're driving vocally and with looks (I'm looking at you, L.A.).
7. When traveling with kids, if you stay at 7 hotels with 7 pools, you will swim in each and every pool no matter how cold the water is.
8. Phoenix is effing hot in the middle of the summer, like the barely being able to breath kinda hot. As in you just bought your kid an Icee and it melted halfway on the 30 second walk back to the car.
9. Mountains are really scary. Especially when they reach an elevation of 6,000 feet.
10. I refuse to ever do it again. I realized there's a reason people leave it to moving companies when uprooting their lives.
11. After making this trip, I found out I can handle almost anything that comes my way.