Monday, February 20, 2012


I was on the train and I saw the cutest thing. A mom, in her flannel pjs, was dropping her daughter off. Much to her daughter's chagrin, the mom got out of the car, hugged her in front of everyone, then went back to the car and waited until the train doors closed and started off.

The daughter was embarrassed to say the least and I can relate to having a mom be so obvious that she worries about you. I can also relate to the mom who worries constantly when the kid's more than 5 feet away. I can also understand not caring how much you embarrass your kid in public. I do it all the time, sans the flannel pjs (I don't do flannel pjs). Embarrassment is how we show we care :).
All I can say is, "Sorry, kid, it comes with the territory." Even when youre too old and gray to be considered anyone's baby, we'll still worry our even grayer head off. It never goes away. And if I'd been able to, I would have implanted a tracking device in my kid the minute she joined the world. But apparently that's illegal.

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