Tuesday, March 27, 2012

is too much, too much?

I realized today that I 5 blogs, not including twitter. There's one I update the most (which isn't as often as I like). One is a book review blog (I need to read more and remember to write about it afterwards). My livejournal is dedicated to fanfiction (yup, i am that girl) and only one person's allowed to read it that I personally know. Tumblr's strictly for my pictures (because posting them in Facebook just isn't enough). Now I just started another one that's going to be dedicated to my baking and cooking (I figure, why not since that's what I'm going to school for, right?)

Its like I have an addiction to having a blog. I can't help myself, but I'm never able to dedicate as much time to them as i'd like to. If I never had to sleep again, I'd have more than enough time. Or if I'd never have to clean the house or do laundry ever again. Basically, if I was rich and didn't have all the extra responsibilities of being an adult. Being a mom is not included in the responsibility realm. I'm talking paying bills.

I'm trying to dedicate at least 30 minutes to all these extracurricular activities that I'd like to do. But sometimes I wonder: how much is too much?

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