Duck Dynasty?
Parking Wars?
Shipping Wars?
Dance Moms?
At this rate, anyone with a missing toe can get a show. It's ridiculous how much time and money is wasted on reality television. It makes me want to get rid of cable altogether. When I watch TV, I want to escape real life (or the made up version of life called reality TV) by watching something completely made up, like True Blood, Suits, Supernatural or The Walking Dead. See? Made up stuff with actual character development.
How come they don't have a show about working moms? Is it not dramatic enough for people to want to watch? Is it just not intriguing to watch a mom struggle without adding made-up sh*t into the mix?
But I digress. There is one show I pride on it being my dirty little secret. My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. I can't help but watch it. Not for the quality programming, but the whole gypsy/traveller lifestyle is seriously fascinating to me.
Their way of life and how different it is than mine just intrigues me to no end. They raise their children in a completely opposite frame of mind compared to how I was raised and how I'm bringing up my kid.
The guys are in charge and women are second class citizens that drop out of school when they're practically babies (11 and 12-ish) to learn how to keep how house and take care of the younger siblings. The biggest things the girls look forward to is their first communion and their wedding day. And they go all out with their dresses, cakes and decorations. They can barely move in their dresses and the female party guests look like they shopped at a strip club.
This is normal for them. Not so much for me.
The girls get married fairly young. So young, I'd be considered an old spinster. They're not really allowed to date, and if they do, it's chaperoned by a male in their family. And they start popping out kids pretty quickly.
And I get it. It weirds me out because as a teen my mom wouldnt have even let those outfits in the door and that's their culture and how they were raised. I know I would never fit into their way of life.
Since the show is somewhat popular on TLC, we had to come up with our own version of the show. My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding. One of the
I have so many issues about this show, but they may come off very rude and offensive. I was always told if you don't have anhything nice to say, don't say anything at all. And my thoughts on this show would probably piss people off to no end. So.
That being said, TLC is having a My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding marathon on as I'm writing this. I could totally change the channel, but it's like watching a train wreck. You just can't help it. I realized the show makes me said. But not in a good-natured it's-just-reality-TV. It just makes me think how far reality TV has come in the worst possible way.