Friday, January 25, 2013

yummy cupcakes . . . .

that are fat free and you'll never gain a pound. Sounds pretty nice. Plus they smell awesome and they look mouth-watering, right?

  • You could eat them. You totally could. I wouldn't suggest it though, because they're bath bombs. Yup, they're soap and would taste awful on your tongue. They're very pretty to look at and awesome to use. They fizz in your bath and smell amazing. And they are a lot of  fun to make. We call them cutie bombs.

These mini cupcake bath bombs are part of the business venture B and I have started. We're making and selling beauties like these, and I'm in the process of working on a web page for it. We're also going to sell them at flea markets. If they do well, we're going to add more bath products.

These purdy little things are perfect gifts and make for great treat to put in goodie bags for any special occasion. *ahem* Not that I'm promoting this or anything. :)

But . . . . if people are interested in having their own to buy that we just happen to make and sell. . . . well, we won't say no.

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