Wednesday, August 3, 2011

california was a good idea because . .

1. The weather is awesome and it's always sunny. Seriously. I've been here almost 3 weeks and it hasn't rained once.

2. The people are a lot nicer. Or maybe I'm friendlier because it was my choice to move here.

3. There actual things to do here without looking in the depths of the earth for them. San Francisco's only a 45 minute drive (on a good day) away and Santa Cruz is like right down the street. And plenty of art fairs.

4. The sun is doing wonders for my tan. Like I don't even have to sit in the sun trying to tan; I can be in my car just driving and I get darker.

5. My allergies don't exist here. Neither do B's. It will save a lot of money down the line. Another good thing.

6. I'll be getting my degree at the Art Institute of California in San Fransico. In baking and pastry- my dream degree I get to actually accomplish.

7. The farmer's markets are out of this world. And they're practically everywhere. Fresh, organic fruit and veggies and free samples everywhere you turn. Can you say yummy?

8. There are so many little towns and the main streets are so tiny and cute. You can just stroll through them and make a day of it.

9. It's not Dayton. 'nuff said.

10. The most important reason is I get see a lot more of this than I was going to before:

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