Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Here's to a better year
I already have my resolutions list all set and ready to start breaking. Well, possibly not (and hopefully) breaking during the incoming year. I'll start with the possible and then head to the "will probably never happen in a million years, much less 2010".
1. Read more books, like all the ones I've bought that I never have time to read. Ever
2. Write everyday, even if it's just 30 minutes
3. Post on my blog more than I did this year
4. Finish writing my book so I can finally send it in
5. Get in shape so I don't feel so blah about myself
6. Work on my finances so I will have NO bills when I get out of the Air Force next year
7. I will no longer speak ill of Twilight, because I'm trying to teach my 7 year old "If you can't say anything nice, than don't say anything at all". And I choose not to have an opinion about the movies and books
8. Become more organized and less cynical
9. Finish a good portion of my Bachelor's
10. Catch up on my shows on DVD (which is a whole LOT, so maybe I should make a list I can cross off)
11. Take better care of myself than I have in the past, like getting actual sleep and eat better
12. Take more time to enjoy life and take nothing for granted
13. Keep in better contact with my closest friends than I have been
These are just a few that I've come up with and I'm sure there will be plenty more in the next couple of days, but it is a start for now. And I'm so ready for the new year, I've already started some of my resolutions.
So what do I have to say about 2010? Bring it on!
A Decade Come and Gone
Many things have happened over the years, but these are the few that have stuck out the most that impacted me the most. My hope and goal for the next ten years is to do the things I've put off and things I've been too afraid to do in the past.
I have a good feeling about the new year and the coming decade.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
it really is time
And I'll be completely honest, if I wasn't forced to get a new job and I could have stayed in graphics for my 20, I think I would've been all over it. But they decided they didn't want to keep the job around, so everyone had to find a new source of employment opportunity in place of that job. I just happened to end up in a job I truly hate. Not everyone does and I'm glad for them, but most of the time I feel like there's no real purpose. That I'm forced to give up all of me and my family, for nothing. Basically as long as I'm another warm body filling the seat, me and mine don't really matter.
Everyone I work with tells me this job isn't that bad at every base, just this one. And yes, they're probably right and I should just wait to move somewhere else before I make a rash decision. And I probably should. But this place has left a bad taste in my mouth. It's left me feeling drained. I also feel that a job that tells me that my family is less important than my job (which my boss has recently explained) isn't a place I belong in. Maybe he can turn that switch and feels that dedicated, but I don't share those views. My family is the only reason I'm still where I am. I do my job, but that's it. I don't have some deep seeded need to go above and beyond that. Which really isn't like me at all.
I keep thinking maybee this is the big neon sign I need to do something without always playing it safe. The last 10 years have been interesting to say the least and I'm grateful for the learning experience, but I really feel this is my time to step away from this life and finally do something I'd wake every morning wanting to do.
I wonder if that will ever happen or will I fail in the process? I fear failure as much as I hate liars. It leaves an awful feeling in my gut, especially when you're working for someone who is probably one of the biggest I've ever met. If you can't trust the person in charge, who can you trust?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
My Life So Far
There's three things in the world I truly love doing, but I rarely ever have any time to do either of them: Writing, reading, and baking. When I was a kid my dream was to become a world famous pastry chef. I tried, oh, how I tried when I was 12 to help make the Christmas cookies. I begged my mom for days to make them so I could try my hand at baking. I got bored with the cookies before they hit the oven. There were more interesting things to do, like watching "Holiday on Ice" starring Nancy Kerrigan. Which was more important, of course, because when would I ever get to see that again?
So baking took a back burner in my life until I was about 20. But I still loved it, I still thought about it a lot. Even now, I try to bake as often as I can, but life and grown up responsibilities get in the way. I'd still like to try my hand at going to a culinary school. Maybe one day opening my own bakery or even working as a pastry chef somewhere awesome in the world. That dream is never going to die and one day I plan on making that dream happen.
My second love (I should mention that baking is my third) is writing. When I was 10 I wrote my first short story, one that wasn't mandatory for school and I still remember it. It was set during the WWII era and it was about a Jewish girl named Hannah, her 2 best friends and their families as they dealt with the outcomes of war. Of course, every character was based on someone I knew or someone I wished I knew. Hey, I was 10. As much as I loved writing it, I dealt with it in true Michelle fashion: I stopped working on it when it got too tough to finish which lead to ultimate boredom in the story. But I was determined to be a professional writer when I grew up.
I kept writing and stopping, writing and stopping. I started high school with notebooks full of stories, all half-finished, of course (to this day I have shelves of these notebooks in my closet). I spent most of my time writing in them instead of paying attention in school. I have a knack for words on paper, but my two biggest problems are confidence and the follow-thru. I have no confidence my writing is good and I have yet to finish any of the books I've started. I can say it's the normal issues of time, but it's not like I can't write when I'm working a weekend shift. No, I find there are more important things to take up my time so I can avoid my issues with becoming a failure. I feel like I won't finish a book because then I'd send it in. and someone would read it. Someone other than my mom and best friends (who, lets face it, are a little biased because they love me) and they might say it's complete crap. And then where would my confidence in my writing be? In a drain somewhere next to old salami. Lately, I've gotten a little better. I keep writing and going even though it's one of the hardest things I've done. I realize I'm not that bad of writer and I've even managed to write 123 pages. That's a major first.
Which of course leads me to my first love: reading (which actually goes hand in hand with writing, so I think it should just be a tie). Everyone in my family reads. It's like some kind of fluke gene that's guaranteed to be passed down from generation to generation. Our biggest thing is reading in the bathroom because it's the one place you can find some actual solitude. Let's face it: no one wants to know what's going on behind the closed door and they're not about to check (scratch that: everyone over the age of 10. Your kids will burst right in regardless).
What was the point of this blog? Not really sure. More a venting session, I guess, about the 3 things I love (outside of my family and friends, of course) that I rarely get to do often anymore.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
2nd Grade Starts Here
I should point out right now that I didn't teach her any of these moves.
And while my brand new 2nd grader was enjoying her first day of school where was I? I was relaxing at the spa getting a well deserved pedicure in celebration of my 28th year in the world. Really? 28? Where have the last almost 3 decades gone? Somewhere in the past, I know. After my pedi, my mom and went out for a girl's lunch. We finished in enough time to pick up my baby.
There were plenty of stories of new friends and old friends. Not enough math for her, but I have plenty of worksheets to keep her mind occupied. After catching up, we all headed to Texas Roadhouse for a nice family dinner. That of course meant me sitting on a saddle and wearing a cowboy hat (happily I have no blackmail pictures of that). At home, I got my presents. Well, present. Brynn got me the cutest purse that's fully wearable under all conditions and can fit my entire life in it (just the way I want my mom purses to be).
My other present couldn't be wrapped as my mom bought it for me when I was in desperate need of a phone that didn't do things all on its own. My extremely early birthday present is my Blackberry. Most important part of today was spending time with my family and not worrying about work.
All in all, it was a great birthday for only turning 28 the first time. We'll see how 28 it in a couple of years.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
It's All In The Genes . . .
But, I digress. She loves to read. I'm really loves to read. She can sit and read for hours if you'd let her. Everyone on both sides of the family are big readers, so it isn't much of a shock. She started reading "Harry Potter" around the end of June. She finished the first book about a month later. She really wanted to watch the movie (and all the rest, too), but we had a deal that before she saw the movie, she had to read the book first. She can be very stubborn (another family trait) when she wants to, so she finished, and we watched. She was absolutely enthralled and started reading the 2nd book the next day. She was done reading three weeks later (Tuesday afternoon, to be exact) and immediately began reading book 3. As part of our deal, we had a slumber party watched "Chamber of Secrets". She loved the book more, but the movie was pretty good, too.
She's finally starting to understand why I'm such a big fan of reading the book before I see the movie. I'd rather compare the book to the movie, so I at least know where the author was going with their idea. As silly as it seems, the whole books ruinned for me if I watch the movie first because then I'm always comparing the book, thinking in my head "well, that's not what happened in the movie". My brain works a little funkier than most.
It's amazing, though. She's really enjoying those books and is practically eating them up. She can't get enough of books in general. It's great! I love everything about my baby girl, because everything about her is just so her, but this is one trait I'm really proud she has.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Sometimes Life Really Does Suck
I realize life's not fair and I don't expect it to be. But every once in awhile, I'd just like to catch a break. Just have everything ease up, you know? Between lawyer fees and fighting to keep my boo in school in Ohio, I also have to add getting B a retainer sooner than I'd anticipated. I know I'll never stop worrying because I'm a worry wart, but this is one of the those times I wish everything took care of itself, like money magically appearing out of thin air so I can pay off all my bills and mortgage. Or everything just being absolutely perfect and nothing ever goes wrong. I know it's a lot to ask, but I'd give up just about anything to not have to worry about losing my baby. If everything would work out on that end, everything else would fall into place and fit right where it's supposed to. And the crick in my back would probably disappear like it had never been there in the first place.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I Can't Lie

Sunday, June 28, 2009
A Whole New Age
It sometimes still scares me a little when I think of that little person putting all her eggs in my basket, assuming everything will be all right and that I'll take care of everything so she can just worry about being a kid. It so much responsibility sometimes that I'm doing a good enough job. But then I look at her, she smiles brightly at me because she's just finished reading three pages of "Harry Potter" all by herself, and I'm filled with this overwhelming sense of pride. I realize she's a great kid and remind myself not to freak out so much. She's a smart, funny, and bright little girl and I'm doing a pretty good job so far.
I've also found that I've grown because of my kiddo. The things that used to bother me, like screaming kids in a restaurant, doesn't even phase me. Even strange things like becoming my daughter's personal towel when she's drying her hands won't make me blink an eye. 10 years ago, maybe, but these days, not even an eyelash.
It's strange how the scariest day of my life was actually the best day I think I'll ever have. I don't think there's anything else in the world that can top the day I became a mommy.
But my baby's birthday started off with the princess (complete with her Enchanted "Princess" nightgown) opening presents. She enjoyed all her gifts, but in true Brynn fashion, wanted to open every last one of them before she even thought about playing with them. First on the list was the Bumblebee action figure my mom got her and her very first Wii game.
After making her Barbie pony jump a few hurdles and making plenty of money to give her nice and pretty things, we piled in the car to make our way to Chuck E. Cheese, the birthday girl's choice of fun. It was small party of three at her request. We played plenty of skee ball and win more tickets games. She walked away with a few cool "free" prizes. Tired and full of pizza, we headed back home so she could open her last present and eat some cake.
The obligatory Chuck E. Cheese pony ride
She made her wishes and we all sat down to eat chocolate cake with chocolate frosting (again, Brynn's choice). I told her a few stories about the day she was born. I got a little misty eyed as we went through our "Brynn" photo album and received a dirty look because I was "crying" again. All in all, it was a wonderful and relaxing day. Happy birthday, baby, I'm hoping you have another great year.
Another special birthday wish
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

The kids had fun and so did the adults. We ended the day with funnel cake topped with strawberries, ice cream and whipped cream. It was all for the adults, of course. After surviving a whole day at the theme park with six kids, I think we pretty much deserved it. And all three kids wanted to help us finish it off, which we refused because they had plenty of sugar before that. We finished eating the funnel cake after all of about 10 bites each and let the kids have at it.
Which of course they plowed into like that was their first meal of the day.

The enoromous (but yummy) funnel cake. You can't see the strawberries hidden under all the whip and ice cream, but it's there. It was a somewhat healthy treat. And by somewhat, I mean not really.

The starving children of America.
Tuesday consisted of IHOP and the kids all agreed that Mac and Cheese is the best dish to eat at any restaurant. Then off to the pool again. We had fun playing “Red Light, Green Light” until B swam under water right into the pool wall, hitting herself square in the nose in the process. The crying began instanly and I scooped her right out the pool within seconds. Her nose was a little red , but other than that, it was still in one piece. Placated with an offer of popsicles and ice cream after dinner, we left the pool with no arguments.
Our last night in Cali was pretty uneventful, some light packing and watching “Racing Stripes”. We did enjoy our time, but Wednesday afternoon we were on a flight back to Ohio. We had a stopover in Denver that made nostalgic over the time we lived there. Colorado was great, but then were most of our assignments. Minus one that shall remain nameless. We arrived home with no major flight problems. All our luggage arrived intact and nothing missing (unlike the time my underwear was stolen out of my suitcase, but that’s a whole other story). A pretty tiring, and uneventful day, which I have absolutely no complaints about. I’m a huge fan of boring flights and airports.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Boredom Overcomes Me
But on the bright side, I will be going on vaca. Also, I have written this much of my book:
At this rate, I might actually finish it before the end of the year. Now that's some serious motivation. I'm trying to get to 65% before I go on leave. Crossing my fingers very tightly on that one.
I love summer vacation. It includes spending more time with my kiddo, days lounging at the pool, and unplanned trips to nearby amusement parks. Can there be anything better in life? Not counting winning the lottery.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
My Other Children
Newly clean and rearranged almost 7-year-old's room
Monday, April 13, 2009
Troy Bolton's My Hero . . .
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I Really Love My . . .
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Return of the WiFi
Finally! I have real working internet again! I feel like I should throw a party and celebrate. Or at least eat something sweet and delicious. Like chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting and sprinkles. Or Maggie Moo's "Butter Batter" ice cream. Yummy. I'm making myself hungry. Maybe I'll just do little dance that will completely embarrass B, since she thinks I have no moves whatsoever. That would a huge highlight of my day, having my six-year-old chalked full of attitude run screaming from the room.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Michelle in the 21st Century
As much as there are times technology frustrates me to the point of hating it, I will be one of the first to admit that when I'm without it, I feel completely lost without it. And I'm not even talking about when the electricity goes out. I'm talking about not being able to go on to check out the info on some new movie coming out or just to see what's going on in the world. Without the internet I am a lost little puppy. I don't know what to do with myself. This is what bugs me about technology. I get annoyed because I can't check my favorite blogs. How sad is that? now I have to go and do something productive. Like actually work on my book. And because my stupid cable company has decided to show up when it's convenient for them, by the time my stupid internet problem's fixed it will have been 6 days without productive internet access. So I'm forced to try and get an unlocked WI-FI signal where ever I can. Which really sucks because every few minutes I have to angle my laptop just so in order to get the slowest connection possible. I really hate technology sometimes. Like now.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Smiles All Around
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Sprinkles Some Music

But on another positive note,

Its time for me to go and listen to their albums for the 21st time.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sleepless in the Snow
I’ve also decided to write a self help book for mom’s called “I’m not a bad mom just because I don’t make cupcakes from scratch.” Because seriously? I’m sick of some of the P.T.A mom’s I’ve been running into at B’s school acting like it’s a sacrilege because I buy cookies from the store for bake sales at school. I don’t think they get it makes a person feel like they’re a bad mom. I have more than half a dozen things on my plate and baking at 2 in the morning so I can look like an oh-so perfect mom isn’t high on that list. I’d rather been an imperfect mom who puts things like that on the back burner so I can spend time with my kiddo.
And that whole thing reminded me of an episode of “Top Chef” I watched about a month ago. This is one of the few reality show’s I’ll sit down and watch because I enjoy it. Normally, I can’t stand reality shows. So, I’m watching this, and the chef’s quick fire challenge is using food items that you normally find in the canned goods isle at the store. All of the chefs are used to “fresh” ingredients. Nothing condensed or crappy for them. Everything’s got to be fresh. Their looks were the first thing that set me off. It was this disgusted “I can’t believe you’re asking me to this” look that everyone seemed to share. Now, there was this one chef I was rooting for. (and, yeah, I put extreme emphasis on was) Radhika, who said the one thing that really ticked me off. She said “This is what stay at home mom’s use to cook with”. Does she even have kids? She really shouldn’t open her mouth unless she has actual personal experience, because if she had kids she’d probably know that it’s not always possible to hand make your pasta or make your tomato sauce from scratch. She really irked me when she said that. Let’s just say I was really, really happy when she had to pack up her knives.
Well, I’m done with my high horse moment, so I’m off to bed.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
More dysfunctional than the norm

I finished two of my classes and I just started two more this week. Strangely enough, one of the classes is being taught by an author I have a few books by. She's my English 102 class. I guess she tells me I suck at writing, I can probably give up my novel writing dreams for good.
I also stole, I mean borrowed, these photos my best bud uploaded on her myspace page from our time as bridesmaids.
I love this picture. Aren't we all purdy? We look happy, natural and not at all stressed about being bridesmaids. But I still stick by the theory that we were probably the worst bridesmaids in history and we should have been fired at the wedding. And my arms don't look that huge.
Also, I've actually written more of my book, and at this point, (but even that will be replaced soon) I have 57 pages. That's really huge for me. Like I might actually finish writing this thing for once.