Friday, December 31, 2010
New Year, New Stuff
It’s time to ring in 2011, and I’m looking forward to it. Most people do, just because it’s a new year and it means a new, fresh start. I always like the beginning of the year much better than the end, but I’m just weird like that.
2011 is going to be completely different, though. January 1st marks the beginning of the end of my long military career. By August 1st, I'll no longer be in the Air Force. It's been a long industrious time, but it's time for a change. I thought I would be in for the long haul, but circumstances and issues have made it pretty much necessary for me to depart. I don't regret it, but it's time.
I’m pretty excited, it’s the start of another adventure, one that’s completely different than any I’ve been on in many years.
I've also decided that 2011 is the year I'm not doing the whole resolution thing. It never ends well anyways because I seem to forget all about them within a week. I think I'm allergic to things called resolutions. Now goals? I can deal with that. Here are a few of them
- finish up my work in progress, because it's high time to do it
- get started on the book that's been running around in my head
- get caught up on my shows because I'm so far behind it's ridiculous
- blog at least twice a week and write an hour every day
- READ. I've even signed up for a few reading challenges to motivate myself.
2010 was kind of a crappy year for me, but I'm hoping 2011 will have a brighter outlook. Happy New Year!!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Terminator
But back to the task at hand. I loved the story, not because of the sci-fi aspect. It was Kyle Reese. Not only did he pop in from the future, but he was also a kick ass and take names soldier who came back to protect a woman named Sarah Connor, whom he'd only heard about through stories from her son, who also happens to be his best friend, John.
Kyle's also that best friend who falls in loves with John's mom. Normally, that would freak most people out. Not John, though. John wants him to fall head over heels because how else will he end up being born if his dad doesn't meet his mom?
And poor Kyle. He's the only one who never knew he was the father of the world's savior. I digress again.
So. I'm a sucker for a guy who would go back time to save you because that happens to me all the time. Really, it does
Seriously though, I know the whole romantic story line isn't right on the surface, but I'm a such a romantic at heart. Everytime I watch it I'm always hoping the ending will magically change and everyone ends up happy. But we all know the ending was etched in stone so I just stop watching if after the big truck scene and pretend nothing happens after that.
Also, I realize there is no possible way for Kyle to be his father if time travel did exist, but a) it's a movie, so anything can happen and b) I like believing in fate. So there.
All in all, I'm a huge fan of the Terminator series (except for Rise of the Machines which I pretend never happened), to include the short lived Sarah Connor Chronicles. The first one is just my absolute favorite.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Losers
It's not the best movie in the world, and it's slightly corny, but I love it all the same. Yes, it could have been better, but it's still pretty good. And I'm not just saying that because I have slight crush on Chris Evans. Because I do, but I also appreciate his comedic timing. And he wears bright pink T-shirts well. The goatee and glasses (sooo hottt) are a nice added bonus.
But I digress. The storyline was decent and pretty entertaining. It was intriguing enough (though a little far-fetched, but who's complaining?) to keep me interested, which is saying a lot. It has the whole A-Team feel to it, but it with hotter guys and better weapons. And Chris Evans, who makes me laugh and drool at the same time. 'Nuff said.
Go Petunias!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sherlock Holmes
Like zombie movies, I'm a sucker for mysteries because I love figuring things out. Puzzles are a favorite of mine.
I will say this, though, I've never been a big Sherlock Holmes fan. Translation: I never could get into the books and I hated the hat he wore in the movies.
But I do like Robert Downey, Jr. and Jude Law's one of my favorite actors, so the two of them teaming up? Absolutely brilliant.
It's full of mystery and, of course, friendship. (I sense a familiar theme among my favorites) The old school and supernatural feel had me from the first moments. But I do love a good old fashioned who-done-it/what's-going-to-happen.
Well, maybe it wasn't quite so much of a who-done-it, because you knew who was behind it all, but you don't know how he did it. It all equaled awesomeness. I've lost track of how many times I've watched, I liked it so much.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Hot Fuzz

You know, pretty much all the great essentials.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Shaun of the Dead
Zombie movies are the best kind of scary movies. They're so much better than the hack and slash Jason and Michael Myers' movies (even though I like those ones, too, I just have to be in the right mood). It's not the same with zombie movies, I can watch them anytime, any place.
Shaun of the Dead is the best zombie movie. Period. I have a few zombie movies I like to repeat, but this the top of that list. If I didn't like Shaun and pub-loving ways, I'd still like it strictly for the zombies. I just love how the world is being over run by zombies, and all he can think about is going to the Winchester.
But this isn't a story just about zombies, it's also about friendship and how much you're willing to risk for the person you love. Seriously, watch and laugh.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Usual Suspects
This is also the first movie I ever saw with Kevin Spacey and it's the movie where I developed a full blown crush on the man (Yes, I wanted to be Mrs. Kevin Spacey when I was in high school and it didn't matter that he was over 20 years my senior). But I digress, this movie had it all: story, suspense, character and twist ending.
It's one of those movies that should be on everyone's must see list.
The Princess Bride

Possibly my absolute favorite movie of all time. When I think about favorite movies, it's the first one that comes to mind every time.
I've been in love with this movie since I first saw it on TV when I was 6. This movie is what started my love of movies. Princess Buttercup wasn't quite the princess I wanted to be (she seemed a little bit too dependent on a man to come save her), but I was jealous she got to marry Westley. How could I not be? He told her he loved her practically every time he saw her (she just didn't get it).
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Favorite Movies
Plus everyone knows that everything I learned, I learned from movies. Well, maybe not everything, but it's pretty close.
I've decided to make a list of my top 100 movies. Believe me, even with as many movies as I've seen, this really was a toughie. And going through my list took a lot longer than I thought because it turned out I really don't love THAT many movies.
So the list. I'm going to post one everyday so I can A) post the list and B) gives me an excuse to blog and not slack off. It's a win/win situation for me.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Books, Books, Books . . .
It's now years later and I still love books. I have plenty of shelves and book piles to prove it. But unlike my younger self, the time to read them has been cut from hours upon hours to maybe fifteen minutes a day. It's sad, but that's sometimes what happens.
Life gets in the way, but books, my love of books refuses to budge.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
These old houses
I'll get in the car and wander around just looking for something of intrigue.
It's usually about that time I make my way into one small town or another. And that's where I find the houses.
I want to own a house like that one day. I have big dreams.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Life For Rent
Did I make the right ones? Is this the way my life was supposed to be played out? Am I really living it the fullest?
Everyone has their own opinions on what a song is really about, because let's face it, these days you never really know what a song's really about. Life For Rent makes me think of venturing out of your comfort zone. I get so set in my ways, I refuse to leave my safety bubble. That I don't take enough chances to live my life to the fullest; that I'm borrowing my life, not taking it.
But if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buyWell I deserve nothing more than I get
Cos nothing I have is truly mine
While my heart is a shield and I won't let it down
While I am so afraid to fail so I won't even try
Well how can I say I'm alive
These are my two favorite lyrics and yes, I realize I'm sappy, but I'm really okay with that. This song makes me think and then I realize my life is exactly how it's supposed to be, and I'm okay with that.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The Number 2
Then I'll fill out a form asking my age, and it'll hit me. The years are passing way to quickly for my tastes. It scares me a little because I know one day I'll blink and my kiddo will be going off to college.
I've learned pretty quickly over the years to enjoy the time I have now, because it won't always be there. *Le sigh*
Speaking of enjoying the times, I must go eat some really fattening foods and blow out some birthday candles (only 3 this year, anymore than than the cake will be dried out by the time they're all lit).
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
First Days
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Star Wars and My 8-Year-Old
I should point out now that as big as her crush on Anakin is, her favorite characters are Ahsoka Tano, an orange Jedi and Padme Naberrie (a.k.a, Queen and Senator Amidala), Ani's wife and mama to Luke and Leia. We promote girl power in our house, what can I say?
I know its perfectly normal for her considering who she has for a mother and she's genetically predispositioned to have slight obsessive tendencies for anything that interests her. (It runs in the family, so eventually it will disappear, but I'll still have the pictures of her jumping around the house with a lightsaber) I just find it amazing that she's as into
Star Wars as I was when I was about 12. Who knew we'd be that much alike.
I totally blame her fandom on the fact that I saw Attack of the Clones when I was 7 months pregnant with her.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Inception vs. Twilight
I had to suffer through it and for my patience; I was rewarded by going with her to see Inception. Granted it didn't take a guilt trip or even much prodding on my part (just the mention of Leonardo DiCaprio, yummy, by the way) for her to want to go.
I knew I was going to like it. But . . . . . .
Can I just say this was the best movie I’ve seen all year? Because it really, really was. The graphics were hot, it involved dreams and it was a heist type movie! I love heist movies, there’s always something else going on to make you think. Dreams are a big part of the movie, and anything can happen in a dream. The whole aspect of dreams is intriguing and not everyone can pull it off. So with that I can say . . . .
Christopher Nolan’s a genius, and I’m really surprised he doesn’t have more movies under his belt.
I won’t post any spoilers, because I don’t want to ruin it for others, but seriously, this movie’s freaking awesome! Everyone should see it. And not everyone will like it, because it’s one of those endings that leave it up to your own interpretation.
I would just like to know more about the secondary characters. We know plenty about Leo’s Cobb (he is the main character, after all), but we learn absolutely nothing about everyone else. I want to know what their deal is. How did they get into the life? Why are they still doing it? What makes them all tick?
Leonardo still looks good after all these years; it’s so strange to remember he was Luke on Growing Pains. And can I also mention how hot Joseph Gordon-Levitt got? He's always been kind of cute (i.e. 10 Things I Hate About You), but not really my cup of tea. But seriously, he's way hot in Inception.
Or is it just the slicked back hair, suits, and ties he wore throughout the movie? (what can I say? I have a thing for suits and ties) Haven't pegged it down yet, but he definitely added to the enjoyment of the film. Well, at least for me anyways. I might actually see it again.
So, in reality, there really isn't any contest between Inception and Twilight. There is no contest between the two of them for me. I just thought it'd be an interesting title.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Texas and Me
I've traveled a lot in my life and the state is not my favorite state in the country. Actually, it isn't even close. It's so far from close it jumped the ship 10 years ago and swam to Russia without a life vest. I have plenty of friends who dispute this feeling, but those are people from Texas and they think it's the greatest state to ever enter the United States.
I do not agree. Not even a little. Those same people think I'm off my rocker. That's also when I feel the need to point out it's a free country and I can have my opinion about anything I damn well choose. This is also the point where they get mad and look like they'll punch me in the mouth. Because they realize I'm right and then they go about their day mumbling about what an idiot I have to be not to love their precious state.
They forget that I'm not upset they're not in love with my city or state or anything else I love. And why not, you ask? Two magical words: Free Country. Yup, that's right. They're allowed their own opinion and so am I.
But here I am digressing again. Seriously, you can't take me anywhere. Or have me write anything. There really is no purpose for this post other than this:
I'm not meant for Texas.
That is all.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Book letdown
I'm talking about the kind of letdown that can only come from a really well written book or series. And its so well written you're on a kind of depression and funk when you're done with it. It feels like an old friend left and there will be no new adventures with them.
Maybe I'm being a little overdramatic, but that's really how I feel about a book or series that I'm very attached to. Those are the books that feel like family, like home. But I am one of those people that loves their books.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
It's A Sign
I had one of those moments today and I wanted a sign, something to keep me going. I was talking to my daughter and the subject of the future came up. I'm not really sure how, but sometimes she'll say the things I really need to hear. It's nothing to her, but it completely blows my mind away.
I was wondering out loud what I should do after I get out of the military.
Out of the blue, she says, "I know what you're going to be, mommy. A book writer."
Out of the mouths of babes. Such innocent and wide-eyed little people with so much hope, I love it!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The Very Merry Month of June
Something about the month makes life great. I think the biggest factor is my bub's birthday. Yes, I have to wait until the end of the month, but I'm big on celebrating all month long. Because, well, birthdays are important whether you're turning 8 or 29(even when you don't think you need to celebrate anymore). And everyone in my family has a summer birthday, so summer is pretty celebration filled.

Saturday, May 1, 2010
Music makes the world go round. . .
I'm a big music fan, though I realized a long time ago, playing instruments was not my calling. Good music is the equivilent of a good book, you'll remember it forever.
My first taste of music weren't the songs playing on the radio (I still have a great apprectiation for the '80's), nope, my mom was big on ABBA and country music. Even to this day whenever I hear "Nina, Pretty Ballerina" (which is often because I've turned my daughter into a fan), I'm always reminded of being young and standing in front of the mirror with a hairbrush, plotting my doomed future as a singer (hey, I know starring in "Glee" is a dream that just will NOT happen).
Music makes me sentimental. When I hear The Goo Goo Dolls' "Black Balloon" or Filter's "Take a Picture", I'm transported back to my tech school dorm and getting ready for school in the morning. I listened to them religiously each morning without fail.
Or how Tool's "Sober" or Staind's "It's Been Awhile" reminds me of a certain guy I cared a lot about in my youth but things just never worked out.
The Beatles' always take me back to Sunday morning cinnamon rolls with my mom listening to "Breakfast with The Beatles" on the oldies station.
Anything by the Spice Girls' sends me straight to my high school hallways and my best friends. We'd listen to them daily on Karla's little yellow radio. Those were some of the best times I remember.
Shakira's "Estoy Aqui" was my daily bus ride music on my way to work. And I was in a huge V.C. Andrews phase, so the song makes me remember all those books I always had my nose stuck in.
Even now I can hear it and I'm right smack in the middle of a chapter.
I could go on and on all day about all the music I've listened to over the years, but then I'd be here all day and I've got some writing to do, so I must get to it. Ciao!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Pretty Wild and Other Stupid Things
Three spoiled little rich girls (and one them is a thief) and none of them has a concept of reality. Or a least reality outside of their own special made up little world.
(Here are the spoiled brats. Don't ask me which one's the thief because I can't tell the morons apart. They might as well be the same person because they act exactly the same: spoiled and whiny. Basically everything we should strive to be like)
Apparently, as a society we've become bored with mom's dressing their 4-year-old daughters in outfits a grown woman wouldn't wear and parents raising their 14 kids on national television.
No, we need a show with spoiled kids who think the whole world owes them and then get paid as proof of that. Its disturbing to no end. All this show is proving is that "hey, I can break into a few celebrities houses with my friends, steal a good chunk of change, and I'll get my own show".
I'm curious as to what happened to actual talent. Does it even exist out there anymore? Or if your life is interesting enough other people will want to see you on TV? Whatever happened to leaving some things to the imagination? Am I just being old school or do I seem entirely disgruntled?
I think Hollywood and some entertainment have gone completely overboard. Is it really too much to ask not to post a picture of some celebrity sneezing and say they're "just like us"? They're human so wouldn't they already be? Just because they're famous doesn't make they a different breed of people that are somehow better than the rest of the world. They're just paid more.
Okay, I feel a little better now, so I'm done with my mini-rant.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
A Weakness
This are a few pictures from their new house in New York:

And they have 7 kids.
Oddly enough, I cannot stand Project Runway. I don't know why, but I think it has to do with the whole "getting voted off because you're just not good enough" thing. I feel the same way about Design Star. Yet, I have no issues with Top Chef. Go figure.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Singing in the car
I am not, nor will I ever be one those types. I'm the exact opposite of those speople (and I say that in the kindest, gentlest way possible). I'm that girl you see in the car next to you that is bouncing away to whatever she's listening to at the moment. I'm that girl that does not care that you're staring at her like she'd just grown a few more heads. I'm also that girl that sings along out loud to music playing in the store she's shopping in, but that's for another blog.
I'm a huge fan of singing in the car. It's like singing in the shower, but there's a bigger audience and it feels like more of concert.
I recommend everyone should try this at least once or twice in their life (and don't worry about those people staring in the car next to you, they probably have stick up their butt). It's fun and it helps relieve unneeded tension and stress
Mother Nature's Sense of Humor
The good news is nothing's ever permanent. And we can always move.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
It's the only show I cannot miss even one episode of. Most shows that I DVR, I might end deleting because I get bored and rather watch on DVD in one sitting, if I choose. It's never been the case with "Supernatural". I won't say there haven't been times I was fed up with where I thought it was going, I was ready to chuck it out the window. But I give it a few days and all is forgiven and we move on to the new episode.
I was living in Italy when the show started, so I had to wait until it came out on DVD to actually watch it. I really wanted to watch it. It was a show starring an actor I'd liked since he was on "Dark Angel" (Jensen Ackles) and Dean from "The Gilmore Girls" (Jared Padalecki), what wasn't an incentive to watch? I downloaded the first 4 episodes, but it was only enough to peak my curiousity, I still had almost a year to wait before I could watch the whole thing.
But it was so worth the wait. I finished watching the entire first season in less than a week. I breezed through it without a second thought. I don't usually invest that much energy into a show. I can not express the love I feel for this show. I don't love the show as much as my family, it just belongs on that plane of love reserved for best shows ever. It's imaginary and no one can see it. Those who watch enough TV have that. Supernatural is number one on my non-exsistent plane, right before "Life", "The X-Files", "Rome", and "Pushing Daisies".
Even 5 seasons later, I still can't get enough of it. Its one of the few shows I've actually grown attached to, as if I know them well and have a stake in their lives. The two brothers have grown before my eyes and survived more situations than humanly possible. But they have and they have a destiny. It sounds so Supermanish, doesn't it?
But the Winchester boys refuse to let destiny win. They look destiny in the eye, call it a "douche bag" and proceed to kick it in the a$$. That's the Dean and Sam Winchester way.
Now not only does it have the usual supernaturally goodness, angels and even the devil himself have popped up. But I know the Winchesters can deal with it; it's how they roll.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
When Things Go Wrong
And we always seem to remember the bad and big and huge it was; and what a gigantic impact it had on our lives at the time.
The good seems to happen so few and very, very far in between. I like the good times a hundred times better than the bad. But then again, who really doesn't?
Friday, March 5, 2010
Gilmore Girls
Then I deployed to a little country I call Qatar. My friend Desi was really into the show, so with only so many episodes of OZ to catch up on at the time, I gave it try.
Was I impressed? To say I wasn't would be a lie. As much TV as I love to watch, it takes a really strong show to hook me in and keep me intersted in more than one season.
One of the biggest pulls for me was that I could (for the most part) completely relate to both Lorelai and Rory. When is started watching it, I was in an in-between stage. I was young enough to appreciate Rory's coming of age, but was on board with her mom the whole ride.
Lorelai is how I picture myself when I'm her age. I was pretty much a baby when my mini-me was born, I wasn't even old enough to drink (a little bit older than Ms. Gilmore). I know, and still do, how hard it is to do it all and more, and still manage to be sane at the end of the day. It's a hard job. And even though I know she is completely made up (that of course makes her Superwoman), I still think she's a great role model for women. Especially moms. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would disagree, but hey, that's their opinion.
But I digress. The show made me want to pack up and move to a small town and raise my kiddo there. It taught me that you don't have to be this picture perfect mom to prove that you love your kids and want the best for them. It's one of those shows that tells you it's okay to be different.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
My New Shirt

We all know Buffy would've kicked Edward's butt without breaking a sweat, so I knew I had to have it. It's exactly how I feel the books should have ended. No, not books. Book. There should never have been more than one. Everything that happened in the subsequent books could have easily never happened at all. That's my story and I refuse to budge. That's why I'm very adament about not reading any of the other books.
Well, that and I just couldn't get through the first five pages without falling asleep. It was nails on a chalkboard for me. Most "Twilight" fans don't appreciate the shirt, but anti-Twilight folks (like me) think its hilarious.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Percy Jackson & The Olympians

The minute I found out he was playing Poseidon I was all about going to see the movie. There's just something about him. I can't quite explain it. Maybe it's the accent.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
What's In a Name
I've been watching a lot of TV set in times long ago (none of these shows are entirely accurate and I'm not expecting to watch The Tudors or Rome on the History channel anytime soon) and if it's interesting enough, I pick up some books and do some research. It's a habit of mine that at times winds me up with a lot of books. Basically, I'm full of a lot of information that only comes in handy when I play "Jeopardy". (Even then, I'm still not the most know-it-all player)
Anywhoo, back in the old days, baby names weren't quite so creative. Take Henry VIII's era, most kids were named after other people, usually kings, queens, or any member of the the royal family. There were a lot of Henry, Mary, Elizabeth, Anne, Charles, Edward, and William's running around. And as you can see, when it comes to the royal family, things haven't changed much.
Another example is Ancient Roman days. Most daughters were given their father's last name as a first name (in feminine form, of course). Like Marc Antony, 2 of his daughter's were named Antonia Major (older) and Antonia Minor (younger). I think it'd be more than a little confusing having 2 kids with the same name, like George Foreman's sons all named "George". It just seems a little self-centered to me, but that's just my opinion. Did each kid get their own nickname, like "Toni" or "T"? Just some of the things that go on in my head.
There wasn't any point to this blog, I just find things like that extremely fascinating and that I felt like writing about.
Friday, January 29, 2010
That being said, I make lists for everything. Literally everything. I just can't help myself. I have a book reading list. It's a list of every book I have that I haven't read yet. I have a TV show DVD list. It's a complete listing of every show I own and if I've watched each season or not. When I go on vacation or a weekend trip, I make a list of everything me and the family will possibly need.
And I enjoy remaking the list to make it prettier. I think it could quite possibly be my own personal OCD. Well, one of my OCD's, anyways.
Yes, I love making lists. But my absolute favorite part of making a list? Crossing off what I've done. I get great joy out of proving that I'm I do do things, even if it might take me a minute or two, or even a day. But I do get some of the important things done.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A Mom's Purse
Or even that not so tiny one we wear out when we're going out without the little ones.

This is everything I need on a daily basis that I will use at least once. It all fits in this monstrous thing I call my purse. The sad thing is, all of these items combined shouldn't weigh so much, but they do.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Fun Lists
Here's my list, in no particular (other than release dates):
Runaway - Meg Cabot (Apr. 20)
Blue Blood: Keys to the Repository - Melissa De La Cruz (Jun. 29)
Misguided Angel - Melissa De La Cruz (Oct. 5)
These are the books I'm really looking forward to picking up and buying this year. Well, the first half of the year anyway. These are in addition to my growing number of books I have sitting in my house just waiting to be read. Those are the ones that yell at me on a daily basis. But that's another story for another blog. Ah, it's a good year for books.