Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sprinkles Some Music

I've been hearing a lot about this cupcake company on the west coast (it's supposed to be better than the Magnolia Bakery that got so much attention thanx to "Sex and the City") that's apparently out of this world called "Sprinkles". I haven't tried it, being stuck in the middle of nowhere, and all. But they have a "Sprinkles" cupcake mix that I picked up at Williams-Sonoma (about the only thing I can actually afford in the store) and I'm going to make them this week to see if they're really worth all the hype. And if the little 'cakes are really that good I just might have to invest. If not, it'll just be more goodies I can give to people at work. *insert evil little laugh here*. Seriously, though, I'm hoping they're yummy, cause I really don't want to share.

Yummy looking, right?
Tom Brady's married, ladies. Surprisingly enough, I'm really not all that upset. I still like him and think he's one of the best football players ever (a little exaggeration, but hey, it's my blog), but I'm not in mourning or anything. Good for him, though. Everyone deserves someone, right? And he's found his.

But on another positive note, I found this really great band. They're called Rooney and they're not new or anything. They've been around for awhile, actually. Something like ten years. And yes, it's taken me this long to notice them. Anyways, I downloaded a couple of songs on Itunes and I liked them so much I went out and bought their two albums the other night. I've listened to them like 20 times. And I'm not the type of person who actually listens to a whole album, so I really like them. The lead singer's got this amazing voice, and they're music's kind of The Beatles meet All-American Rejects. All I can say is you should check 'em out.

Its time for me to go and listen to their albums for the 21st time.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sleepless in the Snow

Yup, it’s official. I’m not a snow bunny anymore. After over a dozen years of living in Chicago, and then spending just 9 short years away living in Colorado, followed by Italy, the fascination with snow has completely disappeared. I’ve only been in Ohio for 7 months, but I’m all over the snow. I don’t ever need to see it again in my life, much less drive in it. Strangely enough, people around here really don’t know how to drive in the snow. Icy roads to some people here apparently means, “please, go faster and hit my car”. I missed the memo on that one. I want to go some place warm ASAP. And to top off my love of the snow and all things icy, I was leaving work the other day and guess what happened: I slipped and fell on my ass. Pretty hard, too. Hard enough to make my elbow feel a little useless and leave bruises in places I didn’t know could bruise easily.

I’ve also decided to write a self help book for mom’s called “I’m not a bad mom just because I don’t make cupcakes from scratch.” Because seriously? I’m sick of some of the P.T.A mom’s I’ve been running into at B’s school acting like it’s a sacrilege because I buy cookies from the store for bake sales at school. I don’t think they get it makes a person feel like they’re a bad mom. I have more than half a dozen things on my plate and baking at 2 in the morning so I can look like an oh-so perfect mom isn’t high on that list. I’d rather been an imperfect mom who puts things like that on the back burner so I can spend time with my kiddo.

And that whole thing reminded me of an episode of “Top Chef” I watched about a month ago. This is one of the few reality show’s I’ll sit down and watch because I enjoy it. Normally, I can’t stand reality shows. So, I’m watching this, and the chef’s quick fire challenge is using food items that you normally find in the canned goods isle at the store. All of the chefs are used to “fresh” ingredients. Nothing condensed or crappy for them. Everything’s got to be fresh. Their looks were the first thing that set me off. It was this disgusted “I can’t believe you’re asking me to this” look that everyone seemed to share. Now, there was this one chef I was rooting for. (and, yeah, I put extreme emphasis on was) Radhika, who said the one thing that really ticked me off. She said “This is what stay at home mom’s use to cook with”. Does she even have kids? She really shouldn’t open her mouth unless she has actual personal experience, because if she had kids she’d probably know that it’s not always possible to hand make your pasta or make your tomato sauce from scratch. She really irked me when she said that. Let’s just say I was really, really happy when she had to pack up her knives.

Well, I’m done with my high horse moment, so I’m off to bed.