Saturday, April 27, 2013

much needed break

That's what I'm taking from Facebook, twitter, and Tumblr. A break from these social medias is what I really need right now.

There's two reasons:

1) I'm all for freedom of speech, but some people need to learn when silence is golden. I don't always agree with everyone's opinion  but I respect their right to say it, but when there's rudeness involved when I have a opinion, I really have to draw the line and step back.  My mom always told me I was extremely opinionated and vocal. And I don't want to say something that I'll regret, so taking a break from all the ignorance I've been seeing is the best idea for everyone. I like my friends and I'd like to keep them, so this temporary parting of ways is great for everyone: I don't shoot my mouth off and they don't get offended. See? Happy resolution for everybody.

2) the second and most important reason for this break? I don't seem to get much done because those social media's are far too distracting for me and that is just not working anymore. I want and need to get things done that actually matter and Facebook shouldn't be on my priority list. So I'm taking it off my list. School, photography, writing and reading are on the top of that list (not including the kiddo, of course). I need to clear my head and worry about me for a little bit.

After my break, I might check them out every couple of days, but that's it. I'm still going to blog, but that's the extent of my upcoming social media. So my blogs will still pop up on Facebook, just not me :)

If you need to get a hold of me, you can text me.

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